
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )

( 2023 )


匹配条件: “Miguel; Iva?ez-Gimeno” ,找到相关结果约32017条。
Características sociodemográficas de la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en Andalucía: diferencias entre población autóctona y extranjera
Ruiz-Ramos,Miguel; Ivaez-Gimeno,Lourdes; García León,Francisco Javier;
Gaceta Sanitaria , 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.11.017
Abstract: objectives: to describe the variables associated with induced abortions in andalusia (spain) and the differences between native and foreign populations. material and methods: a cross-sectional population-based study was carried out. the files on deliveries and induced abortions were combined to create a single file for the period 2007-2010. a binary logistic regression model was employed. the dependent variable was whether the pregnancy ended in delivery or induced abortion. the independent variables were the year, province of residence, number of previous children, schooling, cohabitation and nationality. the raw and adjusted odds ratios and the 95% confidence intervals were calculated for native and foreign women. results: of 460,716 pregnancies, 17% ended in an induced abortion and 83% in delivery. the variables most closely associated with the risk of an induced abortion among native and foreign women in andalusia were having three or more previous children (or=23.06), being under 25 years old (or=19.53), living alone (or=10.04) and being an immigrant (or=3.95), especially in african women. the rates of abortions, fecundity and fertility were higher in foreigners than in native women, with an increase in abortions and a decrease in fertility and fecundity. conclusions: the women at greatest risk of having an abortion in andalusia are young foreign women, especially those from africa, who live alone, have previous children and secondary education and reside in the province of huelva.
Biomechanics of Forearm Rotation: Force and Efficiency of Pronator Teres
Pere Ibá?ez-Gimeno, Ignasi Galtés, Xavier Jordana, Assumpció Malgosa, Joan Manyosa
PLOS ONE , 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090319
Abstract: Biomechanical models are useful to assess the effect of muscular forces on bone structure. Using skeletal remains, we analyze pronator teres rotational efficiency and its force components throughout the entire flexion-extension and pronation-supination ranges by means of a new biomechanical model and 3D imaging techniques, and we explore the relationship between these parameters and skeletal structure. The results show that maximal efficiency is the highest in full elbow flexion and is close to forearm neutral position for each elbow angle. The vertical component of pronator teres force is the highest among all components and is greater in pronation and elbow extension. The radial component becomes negative in pronation and reaches lower values as the elbow flexes. Both components could enhance radial curvature, especially in pronation. The model also enables to calculate efficiency and force components simulating changes in osteometric parameters. An increase of radial curvature improves efficiency and displaces the position where the radial component becomes negative towards the end of pronation. A more proximal location of pronator teres radial enthesis and a larger humeral medial epicondyle increase efficiency and displace the position where this component becomes negative towards forearm neutral position, which enhances radial curvature. Efficiency is also affected by medial epicondylar orientation and carrying angle. Moreover, reaching an object and bringing it close to the face in a close-to-neutral position improve efficiency and entail an equilibrium between the forces affecting the elbow joint stability. When the upper-limb skeleton is used in positions of low efficiency, implying unbalanced force components, it undergoes plastic changes, which improve these parameters. These findings are useful for studies on ergonomics and orthopaedics, and the model could also be applied to fossil primates in order to infer their locomotor form. Moreover, activity patterns in human ancient populations could be deduced from parameters reported here.
Habilidad aritmética y estrategias de cálculo: No todos los cerebros suman igual
Elisabet Gimeno,María Isabel Nú?ez-Pe?a
Ciencia Cognitiva : Revista Electrónica de Divulgación , 2012,
Abstract: Numerosas investigaciones han revelado que para resolver operaciones aritméticas podemos utilizar dos estrategias: la recuperación directa del resultado en memoria o el uso de procedimientos. La selección de la estrategia está relacionada con la magnitud de los operandos y el nivel de habilidad aritmética. En un estudio reciente hemos examinado la actividad eléctrica cerebral de individuos con habilidad alta y baja mientras verificaban sumas de diferente tama o. Las diferencias encontradas en el patrón de actividad cerebral según la magnitud del problema y la habilidad aritmética revelan la utilidad de esta medida como indicador válido del uso diferencial de estrategias de cálculo.
Utilización de una herramienta online para la realización de tutorías remotas: una experiencia práctica Utilització d'una eina online per a la realització de tutories remotes: una experiència pràctica Using an online tool for distance tutorial sessions: a hands-on experience
Miguel Arevalillo Herráez
@tic : Revista d'Innovació Educativa , 2010, DOI: 10.7203/attic.5.197
Abstract: La plataforma Elluminate Live! es un producto comercial dise ado específicamente para la impartición de clases virtuales y la video conferencia entre múltiples usuarios. En este artículo, analizamos su uso en el contexto de la realización de tutorías remotas en la asignatura “Informática”, de primer curso de la titulación de Licenciatura en Matemáticas en la Universidad de Valencia. Además de constituir una alternativa viable como complemento a las tutorías presenciales, el uso de la herramienta proporciona una serie de ventajas con respecto a éstas. Entre ellas destaca la posibilidad de supervisar el trabajo de varios alumnos de forma simultánea, de realizar explicaciones a grupos y de facilitar el trabajo cooperativo. Elluminate Live! és un producte comercial dissenyat específicament per a la impartició de classes virtuals i la vídeo conferència entre múltiples usuaris. En aquest article, vam analitzar el seu ús en el context de la realització de tutories remotes en l'assignatura Informàtica, de primer curs de la titulació de Llicenciatura en Matemàtiques en la Universitat de València. A més de constituir una alternativa viable com complement a les tutories presencials, l'ús de l'eina proporciona una sèrie d'avantatges pel que fa a aquestes. Entre elles destaca la possibilitat de supervisar el treball de diversos alumnes de forma simultània, de realitzar explicacions a grups i de facilitar el treball cooperatiu. Elluminate Live! is a commercial product specifically designed to teach virtual classes and for multipoint video conferencing. In this article, we analyze its usage to perform remote tutorial sessions in the module Computer Science taught in the first year of the Mathematics degree at the University of Valencia. This tool not only constitutes a feasible alternative as a complement to face-to-face sessions but also provides a series of advantages. In particular, it facilitates cooperative work and allows the lecturer to both supervise the work of several students simultaneously and to give explanations for the entire group.
Fractal Dimension of Dog Kidney Proximal Convoluted Tubuli Sections by Mean Box-Counting Algorithm
Gil,Julio; Gimeno,Miguel; Laborda,Jesús; Nuviala,Javier;
International Journal of Morphology , 2006, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-95022006000500005
Abstract: the possibility of characterizing the proximal convoluted tubuli of the dog kidney by means of a unique and objective value, is an attractive idea in order to automate its recognition in anatomy and patology. for this, we obtained a fractal dimension of the proximal convoluted tubuli in the dog kidney by mean box-counting method. the fractal value we obtained is a flat dimension, and it is different than the line fractal dimension of the dog kidney arterial pattern, which was previously calculated by us (gil et al., 2006). thus, from optical microscopy images, we are able to obtain a single quantitative measure to discriminate these dog kidney components. this measures can use to automate its recognition. fractal geometry provides many advantages when examining the complex microscopical images of natural objects
Fractal Dimension of Dog Kidney Proximal Convoluted Tubuli Sections by Mean Box-Counting Algorithm Dimensión Fractal de Secciones de los Túbulos Contorneados Proximales del Ri ón Mediante un Algoritmo de Recuento de Cajas
Julio Gil,Miguel Gimeno,Jesús Laborda,Javier Nuviala
International Journal of Morphology , 2006,
Abstract: The possibility of characterizing the proximal convoluted tubuli of the dog kidney by means of a unique and objective value, is an attractive idea in order to automate its recognition in anatomy and patology. For this, we obtained a fractal dimension of the proximal convoluted tubuli in the dog kidney by mean box-counting method. The fractal value we obtained is a flat dimension, and it is different than the line fractal dimension of the dog kidney arterial pattern, which was previously calculated by us (Gil et al., 2006). Thus, from optical microscopy images, we are able to obtain a single quantitative measure to discriminate these dog kidney components. This measures can use to automate its recognition. Fractal geometry provides many advantages when examining the complex microscopical images of natural objects La posibilidad de caracterizar los túbulos contorneados proximales del ri ón de perro, mediante un valor único y objetivo, es una idea interesante para automatizar su reconocimiento en anatomía y en patología. Para ello, hemos obtenido la dimensión fractal de los túbulos contorneados proximales del ri ón de perro, mediante la técnica de recuento de cajas. El valor fractal obtenido es una dimensión de superficie, diferente de la dimensión fractal lineal que calculamos previamente (Gil et al., 2006). De esta forma, desde imágenes microscópicas, nos es posible obtener una medida simple y cuantitativa para diferenciar estos compontes del ri ón de perro. Esta medida puede usarse para automatizar su reconocimiento
Tangential Algorithm for Calculation of the Fractal Dimension of Kidney Tubuli Sections Algoritmo de Tangencialización para el Cálculo de la Dimensión Fractal de Túbulos Renales Seccionados
Julio Gil,Miguel Gimeno,Jesús Laborda,Javier Nuviala
International Journal of Morphology , 2006,
Abstract: We have developed a new algorithm to calculate the fractal dimension of dog kidney proximal convoluted tubule section. This algorithm is intermediate between box-counting and perimeter-stepping algorithms. The result of this new algorithm and correlations found between fractal dimensions and other Euclidian values of these tubuli, suggest that this algorithm is adequate to calculate fractal dimensions by points Hemos desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo para calcular la dimensión fractal de las secciones de los túbulos contorneados proximales del ri ón de perro. Este algoritmo es promedio de los que emplean el recuento de cajas y la medida del perímetro. El resultado de las medidas con este nuevo algoritmo y las correlaciones encontradas entre sus valores de dimensión fractal y otros valores euclidianos de dichos túbulos, sugieren la adecuación de método para calcular la dimensión fractal referida a puntos
Estudio comparativo de los efectos antivirales de agentes antioxidantes: N-acetilcisteína y ácido ascórbico e inmunosupresores: Ciclosporina A y...
Eduardo Mórtola,Yasuyuki Endo,Miguel Risso,Eduardo Gimeno
Veterinaria México , 2000,
The Physiopathological Crossroads of Aging  [PDF]
J. Lasierra-Cirujeda, P. Coronel, M. J. Aza Pascual-Salcedo, M. Gimeno, M. M. Aza Pascual Salcedo, A. Lasierra-Iba?ez, C. Lasala-Aza
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines (JBM) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2019.76007
Abstract: Stress, inflammation and Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) are key mechanisms throughout the development of aging, constituting a crossroad in the most frequent pathologies that accompany it. Among metabolic processes, obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus are included and Alzheimer’s disease among the neurodegenerative processes. Stress is a mechanism of defense of the organism against exogenous and endogenous actions called stressors. In the case of low intensity stimuli, the organism responds with actions aimed at a physiological adaptation (Homeostasis). On the other hand, when a high intensity (experimental level) or chronic stimulus (oxidative stress) is repeated, structural and functional changes are observed in different organs with activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, the renin angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system, stimulating the production of hormones that release cytokines with proin-flammatory/antiinflammatory properties that play an important role in the previously mentioned pathologies, as well as a marked increase in PAI-1, a gene regulated by stress and by cytokines, with manifest action at the origin of thromboembolic disease, so frequent in aging. The objective of this review is to highlight the importance of the binomial stress and PAI-1 in aging and in the pathologies that accompany it. Because PAI-1 is part of the pathology and complications in aging, some authors suggest the study of PAI-1 inhibitors to achieve its physiological levels, as part of the treatment of these diseases.
Soto,Gerardo; Nú?ez,Miguel;
Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología , 2008, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-221X2008000200005
Abstract: in the present study, it was used charcoal of vegetal coal and sawdust of pinus radiata (d. don) to manufacture pellets, these had similars characteristics by weight, volume and density, keeping as the only variable, the sawdust and charcoal quantity of each pellet. using a manual screw press, was manufactured a total of 1180 pellets with 15 different charcoal and sawdust proportions. with these pellets were conducted a friability and calorific power essays. this latter property was determined using a protocol for measuring and german standard din 51900. according to the results, was concluded that is possible manufacture pellets of charcoal, using sawdust of pinus radiata (d. don) as a adhesive material, with 50% of both raw materials, obtaining the optimum combination with a 47.5% of charcoal and a friability of 0.935, achieving a gain energy of 24.25% compared to a 100% pellets of sawdust.

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